To login and connect to your computer running Safeworld / Visec please complete the following:
1. Enter the username and password that you chose for the Remote Access password in the Safeworld program Camera/Options/Remote Access.

2. Press Login

When you are successfully logged in:

The next screen should show 3 options:
-Click here to view video history
-Click here to view live video
-Users with limited scripting support click here for live video

-Click here to view video history
This will show images that have previously been recorded.
Choose the date to view the video history.
Click Submit.
You can choose Playback Mode to see a movie created from the images.

-Click here to view live video
This will show live video footage of what the camera sees.
Select the refresh rate per seconds.
Choose Live to see exactly what the camera sees. Or you can choose to see an image taken every 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 20 seconds.
If the camera does not automatically refresh, click on Click here if camera does not refresh.

Click Select Camera if you have more than 1 camera set up and you want to specify a specific camera.

-Users with limited scripting support click here for live video
This will allow users who do not have Java script installed to view live snap shots.

You can choose to refresh the image every few seconds, but it will not show live video running continuously.